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Interactive Whiteboards

Class Flow


Class Flow is an interactive resource for the classroom. Teachers use technology by creating interactive activities, assessments, polls, and lesson plans for students to be hands-on with. They can interact on the teachers display and on their own computers, helping the students to learn both through technology and embodied cognition.  



2/5 because the website glitches often and makes certain things difficult to do. 


Danielson Framework in Class Flow

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To View My Class Flow Presenation

  • Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

    • 1d Using Resources Effectively

      • By using hands-on activities and lesson plans, students become more engaged with the resources thus making them more effective.

    • 1f Designing and Analyzing Assessments 

      • Class flow is a good resource for live assessments, as it allows teachers to assess students through the polls and through different forms of assessment such as: Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Math Questions, True or False, Essay, and Creative Response.  

  • Domain 2: Learning Environments 

    • 2b Fostering a Culture for Learning 

      • Class Flow really helps students to engage their physical cognition through hands-on and mind-on activities that really help to foster greater learning.  

  • Domain 3: Learning Experiences 

    • 3b Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques 

      • Through interactive questions, discussions are encouraged because of the activities of learning that students must respond to.  

    • 3c Engaging Students in Learning 

      • Since Class Flow includes a lot of “game-like” learning devices that can be embedded in lesson plans, it is easier to engage students by allowing them to have a little fun with technology while learning.  

    • 3d Using Assessment for Learning 

      • As mentioned previously Class Flow has assessments and polls that can be used to help students better understand topics and the curriculum. 

  • Domain 4: Principled Teaching 

    • 4b Documenting Student Progress 

      • Class Flow’s interactive aspects can be used to determine where students are in their understanding of the curriculum and different topics. 

    • 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally 

      • By reflecting on the engagement and learning of the class, teachers can grow to create better methods of teaching and engaging students.  



Lumio is an interactive resource for the classroom. I recommend Lumio over Class Flow because it is very easy to use and is an extremely effective way to get students involved in the curriculum that is being taught in a classroom. Teachers can use this website by creating interactive activities which include fun games, assessments, polls, and lesson plans for students to be hands-on with. 



5/5 because it is extremely user-friendly and I truly enjoyed making the lesson and have a feeling that my students would enjoy interacting with it more too. The layout it better than Class flow. I also like how you can take interactive parts from other teachers' projects. 

  • Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

    • 1d Using Resources Effectively

      • Lumio uses resources effectively as through technology, and interactive lesson plan can be created by teachers and used by students.

    • 1f Designing and Analyzing Assessments 

      • Lumio has a variety of assessments that teachers can use. Some of them include assessments built into games just to reinforce learning and others are assessments where teachers can view and or display the results. 

  • Domain 2: Learning Environments 

    • 2b Fostering a Culture for Learning 

      • Lumio fosters a culture of learning because of its engaging aspects. Students are also able to interact with different pages using shapes, the pen tool, and more. 

  • Domain 3: Learning Experiences 

    • 3b Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques 

      • Through interactive questions which are displayed in both games and assessments, students can become involved in questioning techniques and discussion techniques. Lumio has an option where students can collaborate in a group, which helps with each individuals learning as well. 

    • 3c Engaging Students in Learning 

      • Since Lumio includes a ton of games, which are very fun and interactive, students are prone to be very engaged in the lesson and curriculum because of such. 

    • 3d Using Assessment for Learning 

      • As mentioned previously Lumio has a variety of assessments which can be used to understand student's growth and learning. 

  • Domain 4: Principled Teaching 

    • 4b Documenting Student Progress 

      • When students submit answers on assessments, Lumio gives the teacher access to all the answers, as well as the common wrong answers and more. This can help a teacher grow and target specific things in the curriculum that students need help on. 

    • 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally 

      • By reflecting on the engagement and learning of the class, teachers can grow to create better methods of teaching and engaging students. The assessment portion of Lumio can also help with this. 



To View My Lumio Presentation

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